Yesterday was an okay day. I took Lukas with me to the natural food store. I have been wanting to check it out since we live so close to it now. I was surprised how cheap the prices were. They had sweet potatoes for $1.99/lb and I got Lukas a six pack of kid's yogurt for around $4. I have been really wanting to start eating healthier. I only got a few things because Lukas was acting up and being pretty mean. A little boy tried to say hello to him and Lukas gave him an ugly look and blew rasberries at him. He just wasn't listening to me either so I left the store sooner than I would have liked. I'll probably try to go back today when my husband is home so that I can go by myself.
Last night, I made tator tot casserole because it had been a while since we have had it. I always do different variations of it because I never have all of the right ingredients and we don't like it with the onion soup mix. It came out pretty good last night. This is how I made it:
Tator Tot Casserole
1 lb ground turkey
1 (small) bag of tator tots
1 cup frozen seasoning blend (onions, peppers, celery chopped up)
1 tsp of garlic salt
1 tsp of season all
2 cans of cream of mushroom soup
shredded cheddar cheese
Brown the ground turkey with the frozen seasoning blend and seasonings. Drain. Put tator tots at the bottom of an 8x8 casserole dish, top with ground turkey, then top with the cream of mushroom soup, then top with shredded cheese. Cover with aluminum foil. Heat oven according to tator tot directions and cook for about 30-35 mins. Uncover and cook for 5-10 mins until the cheese melts.
This morning I woke up pretty early (as usual) and before Lukas. The sunrise was beautiful so I ran outside and took a few pictures. They didn't come out that great because I literally ran out and took a few and ran back inside because Lukas was still sleeping.

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