Wednesday, October 22, 2008
It has been a nice day so far. I took Lukas to the mall to meet up with some friends for a playdate. Lukas had a blast and it was nice to get out. I tried to take a few pictures of Lukas playing but some kid started climbing all over me and trying to take my camera. His mother just was NOT watching him at all. So I had to put my camera away. When my friend came with her 3 little girls (including her 1 month old itty bitty baby) the crazy kid with no supervision proceded to dig in her stroller and PINCH her 1 month old's cheek. FINALLY his mother comes and just stands there and says, "I'm sorry." I guess I am venting a little bit but it really irks me when people don't watch their children and let them run all over other people. I wouldn't let my son near a stroller with a tiny baby in it.
Last night, I made some sauce with some frozen meatballs I had left from a weekend or 2 ago and served it over angel hair pasta. It was pretty good. Lukas wanted PB&J while I was cooking but he did have some pasta from my plate.
Frozen Meatballs (I used maybe half a bag or so)
Green Onions (Chopped)
1 green bell pepper (Chopped)

Anywho...Other than that incident we had a nice time and the kids really enjoyed playing together. Lukas even said, "more" today when he wanted some more snacks. I was so proud of him because I have been trying for months and months to get him to say it. He said it all on his own without me even prompting him! YAY, Lukas!

Frozen Meatballs (I used maybe half a bag or so)
Ragu Sauce (2-3 cups...I had a BIG jar from Sam's Club)
1 can Italian Style Stewed Tomatoes
1 small can tomato pasteGreen Onions (Chopped)
1 green bell pepper (Chopped)
1 small zucchini (Chopped well)
1-2 TS minced garlic
couple of TS of sugar/brown sugar
Angel Hair Pasta...or whatever you've got on hand
Put it all in a pot and let it cook for 2-3 hours or so. Boil your pasta when the sauce looks about ready to eat. Serve sauce and meatballs over pasta. Ta-da!

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