Friday, October 31, 2008

motherhood, cooking, parenting, photos, life, family, etc.
Posted by emily82 at 10:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: car issues, family, halloween, kids
Posted by emily82 at 1:58 PM 0 comments
Posted by emily82 at 2:42 PM 0 comments
We had a nice weekend. We went shopping on Saturday and bought Lukas a few pairs of jeans and I even found him a Spongebob shirt. Sunday we went to church and then I went grocery shopping. On the way home, I managed to get a flat tire. I didn't feel it until I started driving into our apartment complex. I'm glad my husband took care of it. I haven't had a flat tire in a very long time so I guess I was overdue.
We have a nice little cold front right now so I made chili for dinner last night. Once again, I just threw some stuff in a pot. This time I just used a big pot on the stove rather than my crockpot because I didn't have all day. I started cooking it around 3pm and it was ready at about 6pm. It turned out pretty good. Lukas did not seem to care for it but he has been very picky lately.
Today hasn't been particularly interesting. I woke up, fed Lukas, and we got dressed. I took him outside to play for a little while. We came back in and he got into a little trouble so I put him in time-out. I was trying to talk to him about his time-out and the little booger plugged his ears with his little fingers! It was a little difficult for me to keep from laughing but at the same time I thought, "Gosh, this kid has some attitude!" He's a cutie but he sure is trouble sometimes. He definitely keeps my life interesting and busy. Lukas is taking a nap now and I'm dying my hair and writing this blog.
My Chili Recipe
1 lb ground turkey
1 bell pepper, chopped up (I used a yellow one)
1 small onion, chopped up
1 can chili ready tomatoes
1 can rotel tomatoes
2 of those tiny cans of tomato sauce
1 little can of tomato paste
1 can of pinto beans, drained and rinsed
1 can of kidney beans, drained and rinsed
1-2 ts garlic salt
1-2 ts chili powder
couple of ts of sugar
Brown and drain ground beef. Add all of your ingredients and cook for about 3 hours on the stove (or in the crockpot for probably about 5-6 hrs on low). I didn't have any but brown sugar would have been better than sugar.
Posted by emily82 at 1:50 PM 1 comments
Yesterday, I met up with a friend for a playdate and lunch. Lukas had lots of fun playing. Then we went to the Harley store to look around with my husband. After we got Lukas to bed we had ordered pasta and had a movie night. It was nice. I think we should try to have a movie night more often since we never get to go out on an actual date.
Posted by emily82 at 11:55 AM 0 comments
Yesterday was an okay day. I took Lukas with me to the natural food store. I have been wanting to check it out since we live so close to it now. I was surprised how cheap the prices were. They had sweet potatoes for $1.99/lb and I got Lukas a six pack of kid's yogurt for around $4. I have been really wanting to start eating healthier. I only got a few things because Lukas was acting up and being pretty mean. A little boy tried to say hello to him and Lukas gave him an ugly look and blew rasberries at him. He just wasn't listening to me either so I left the store sooner than I would have liked. I'll probably try to go back today when my husband is home so that I can go by myself.
Posted by emily82 at 7:55 AM 0 comments
I'm so excited! My son's halloween costume came in yesterday. I tried it on him and it is so cute. I'm thinking we should buy him some little black boots to go with it. I'm not sure if my husband and I are going to dress up with him or not yet. I haven't really seen any biker costumes that I would actually wear. My husband's already got harley gear b/c he wears it only a daily basis to drive to work. I guess we'll just have to see if I can come up with something. I think next year we will go all out with decorating and everything for all of the holidays because we will be in Hawaii for them all. Usually we go home to Louisiana for Christmas but I think it will be to expensive next year :(
Well, here is a picture I snapped of Lukas in his jacket yesterday. It came with sunglasses but he wouldn't put them on for the picture. He was being a meanie so that's why he's got the face.
Posted by emily82 at 2:22 PM 0 comments
Posted by emily82 at 1:22 PM 0 comments
I really didn't do much at all today. It has been a very gloomy, rainy day. I look out of my window right now and it is pouring down outside. I have no clue what to have for dinner. I really need to go to the grocery store. It might be a night to order out.
The other night my little mexican/taco pizzas came out really good. They were super yummy! We ate them up so quick that I didn't get a chance to snap a picture :(
Taco Pizzas (Makes 4 single serve pizzas)
1 lb ground beef (ground turkey or ground chicken)
1 packet taco seasoning mix
1 can of fat free refried beans
1 can of enchilada sauce
8-6" corn tortillas
shredded cheese (mild cheddar or mexican cheese blend)
Brown the ground beef and drain grease. Add taco seasoning and cook as directed. Heat refried beans. Put 4 tortillas on a baking sheet (not stacked). Spread refried beans on the tortillas, then spread some enchilada sauce, then add some ground beef on top of that and pour a little enchilada sauce on top of the beef. Get the other 4 tortillas and spread a little of the refried beans on those and put them on top of the ground beef (bean side down). On top of each "pizza" put some salsa and then top with cheese. I had some green onions so I chopped some up and put those on top too. Pop in the oven until the cheese is all melted. (I heated the oven to 375 degrees) You'll need a fork to eat 'em.
You really probably could get 6-8 pizzas out of the recipe b/c I had some left over ingredients. All I had was 8 tortillas though so I only could make 4 pizzas.
Posted by emily82 at 4:55 PM 2 comments
Yesterday went pretty good. We woke up, got ready and went to church. The pastor talked about love and marriage. I heard some things that I really needed to hear. I really enjoy going to our church because it is so different and the pastor is awesome. He really makes it interesting.
Posted by emily82 at 11:43 AM 2 comments
Posted by emily82 at 9:00 PM 1 comments
Dinner was a hit. I think I'll call this "My Southwestern Rice Crockpot Recipe". I ended up adding half a jar of salsa and some shredded cheese to it. We all loved it, including Lukas and he can be pretty difficult to please when it comes to dinner. Lukas at a whole bowl and that is rare for him. We ate early b/c it was ready and Lukas woke up for his nap really hungry....maybe he could smell it cooking, lol.
Right now Lukas is having a conversation with my phone and playing with his daddy. Well, I think 2 blogs in one not so eventful day is enough.
I'll go ahead and post the whole recipe for anyone interested in trying it out:
My Southwestern Rice Crockpot Recipe
1 lb ground chicken/beef/turkey (you could probably even use regular chicken if you wanted)
1 packet of taco seasoning
1 can of cream of chicken soup
1 can of rotel (original)
1 can of corn
2 cups of rice (uncooked)
1 1/2 cups of water
shredded cheese (1/2 cup - 1 cup)
Put your meat in the crockpot/slowcooker and break up the meat. Pour your packet of taco seasoning in on top of the meat, followed by the cream of chicken soup, can of rotel, and your can of corn. Cook for about 4 hrs on Low. After that, add your rice (I used brown rice) and water. Right before serving, stir in about 1/2 cup to 1 cup of shredded cheese (measure according to how cheesey you want it...I didn't really measure at all, I just threw it in).
(Also, if you don't have cream of chicken soup on hand, try cream of mushroom or whatever you happen to have on hand)
Posted by emily82 at 4:50 PM 1 comments
I didn't mention it in my last blog but I like to cook. Sometimes I like to see what I've got hanging around the kitchen. Whatever I've got, that I think will go good together, I throw in my crockpot. Today is one of those days.
So I have a pound of ground chicken, taco seasoning mix, can of cream of chicken soup, can of rotel tomatoes, a can of corn, and I've got some brown rice. I put the ground chicken in and got it thawed out (I guess I forgot to mention it was frozen) and I threw everything in on top of that except for the brown rice. I'll probably throw that in later with some water if I don't precook it before.
So I've got dinner started and just ate lunch with my son. Not sure what we'll be doing for the rest of the day. Lukas will probably take a nap soon. I'll start some laundry and try to watch some of my soap (Young and the Restless...yes, sadly I have been addicted since I was a child). If the weather stays nice out, I'll take Lukas out to play. Tommorow, I'll let you know how dinner turned out. If it looks good enough, I will try to post a picture.
Posted by emily82 at 11:46 AM 0 comments
Labels: around the house, cooking, parenting
So this is my first post on blogger. I guess I will make this sort of a journal. Kacie told me to join and I thought, "What the heck, why not?". I think I will write about my daily life and whatever happens to be on my mind. I used to write poems but I've gotten out of doing it for so long that I don't see myself getting back into doing it. We will see though. I will just write. And maybe I'll find things that I've written in the past and post them here too.
I guess I can start off by telling a little bit about myself...
Where to begin? Where? Okay, I was born and raised in Baton Rouge, LA with my brother and two sisters. I am the oldest of the four. I was raised Catholic. I attended Catholic school up until fourth grade. That is when I started going to public school. I graduated from high school in 2000 and the next fall I attended the community college in my hometown. In December of 2001 I met my now husband. I ended up dropping out of the community college and decided to take an EMT course at the technical college. 2001-2003 my husband and I had a long distance relationship due to him being stationed in San Diego, CA and also being on deployment. I finished the EMT course and nothing came of it. We got married in August of 2003 and I moved to San Diego to be with my husband. I was there for a little over two years. It was a beautiful place but because my husband was gone to sea pretty often, I got homesick so I didn't appreciate being there as much as I should have. I had a great job working at a school with autistic children. I absolutely loved it. Unfortunately, I was only at the job for about nine months because my husband got new orders. So, we moved to Jacksonville in April of 2006. We actually started to learn how to surf but that went out the window towards the end of May when we found out we were expecting our son, Lukas. Lukas was born December 22 that year. He was born early do to complications with mom (me). The dr told me at least 3 times that I could die. Imagine a doctor saying, "You could die." very seriously to you when you are just about to enter one of the most important phases of your life. Strangely, it did not phase me and I just knew that I was going to live. There was no way I was going to miss out on being a mom! I had severe preeclampsia so the little guy had to come into the world a little early. After a great bit of work on my part...21 hours of labor and 11 hours of pushing, I brought Lukas Michael into the world. He had to be in NICU for 5 days. I have been a stay at home mom since. My husband just recently got orders to Hawaii, so that is where we will be going next.
At the moment, I'm just enjoying being a mother. We're getting ready for Halloween, trying to start shopping for Birthday and Christmas for Lukas. And also, thinking about our move to Hawaii next spring.
Posted by emily82 at 8:52 PM 2 comments