Monday, August 24, 2009
Yep, today is our 6th Wedding Anniversary. We had a fun family day together. I packed us some lunch and we went on a nice hike up a mountain. I barely could make it up and honestly I decided not to go all the way up because I had one of my dizzy spells up there but I got so very close. Even though I decided it was best that I not go any further up, we got to see some incredible views of Kailua, Kailua Beach, and Lanikai Beach. After our hike, we went to Kailua Beach to cool off in the water and have lunch. Lukas got wiped out pretty good by a wave and he was done after that. He fell asleep in the car on the way home. The poor little guy had a rough weekend (Saturday, he got stung on his little hand by a bee--whom he showed who wa
s boss by smacking it into the pavement with his hand).

Emily such a nice family-'short and sweet'.I also loved the place and your kid is so cute.
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Happy Anniversary! Looks like y'all had a beautiful day. Poor Lucas getting stung on his hand. Good for him on showing that rotten bee who's the boss.
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