Monday, October 25, 2010

motherhood, cooking, parenting, photos, life, family, etc.
Posted by emily82 at 11:05 PM 1 comments
I feel like I have really neglected my blog. I would like to get back into the hang of things. Plenty has happened since my last post. I'll try to just name the most significant things.
I had to take a very last minute trip back home to Louisiana because my grandmother fell very ill. It was a very bittersweet trip but it felt good to be able to say goodbye. I got there and my parents drove us straight to the hospice where she was. She said my name when she saw me and kept saying "I love ya." and cried. That was on Tuesday, May 25. I went back for a couple of more visits. Saturday, May 29 was my last visit with her. I brought my sister Katie and my son that visit b/c Katie hadn't seen her recently and I knew she needed to. My grandmother was asleep and her breathing did not sound good. My son grabbed my sister's hand and pulled her out of the room. I turned around and my aunt and I looked at my grandmother and she had stopped breathing. She was gone. The most beautiful, most inspiring woman I'd ever known gone. Just gone but not forever because we shall meet again. She was 91 yrs old. She lived a long life and she lived a great life.
This doesn't seem nearly as significant as saying goodbye to my lovely grandmother but it is an accomplishment for me. I finished my 1st semester towards my degree in Paralegal Studies this week with a 3.6 grade average.
Not much has changed with me and my little family here in Hawaii. Lukas keeps growing up more and more everyday. My husband will be deploying in a few months but for now we are enjoying the time we have together.
Posted by emily82 at 8:50 PM 0 comments
It has been way too long since I last blogged. Plenty has happened, I'm sure. Probably way too much to put here so I will talk about recent happenings and such. My little Lukas had to have his tonsils and adenoids out at the beginning of the month just before my 28th birthday. He did really well and he no longer seems to be struggling to breathe at night and no more snoring. It's taking me some getting used to because he was such a loud breather at night before. It has made a huge difference and it's such a relief to have it over with. So it's been a little over 3 weeks since his surgery and he already had to return to the hospital Monday for some stitches after a fall :( I'm glad is okay! He is supposed to have the stitches taken out tomorrow. Should be fun...not! He will most certainly put up a fight.
In other news, I'm an online college student. I have returned to school to receive an Associate's degree in Paralegal Studies. I would really rather be going into criminal investigation but maybe sometime further in the future. My dream is to work on and help solve cold cases someday but for now I'm just trying to get a little degree so I can get a decent job when the little one starts school.
Here are some pictures from around the house. Happy Spring Time!
Posted by emily82 at 4:00 PM 0 comments